Wanted to share this sweet new site I found today.
You can buy gift cards for less than there balance value.
You know how you got to buy a gift card for somebody at the grocery store and they charge you $2 or $3 for a service charge so your $25 gift card costs you $28 instead.
Well here you can get a $25 gift card for $23 instead!
The way they work is they will buy gift cards people are not interested in from them, then turn around and sell them to you. Recycling gift cards if you will!
I don't care how it works really, all I know is there is a Home Depot card right now that has a balance of $288 and only costs $266.
Perhaps before I make my way to Utah for vacation I'll have to pick myself up an H & M card $50 balance for $46.
Go here and check it out.
When ever I find sites like this I just shake my head and think "how did I not think of this"
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