Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Goes to show...

We had a very busy weekend this weekend. My husbands Uncle passed away somewhat unexpectedly and a funeral was held in his honor on Saturday. It was a beautiful fall day, spent with a hundred or so wonderful relatives, celebrating one of the most welcoming men I've met. Dare I say we enjoyed ourselves at the funeral.
Mid service however, a rambunctious tot- thankfully not one of my own- split his head open on a pew and was rushed outside. I did not witness this, but was taking one of my own to the restroom moments later when I came upon the young mother, one upset little boy, and a pile of blood soaked paper towels. She had collected another cousin of ours who had just completed medical school, (nothing like having a family doctor at every family get together).

Me: Can I get you the bandaids out of my car
Ped: Yes, but what we really need is a butterfly and maybe some super glue.
Me: Oh I have those too
Ped: You have super glue in your car?

I loved that response.
I grabbed my kit and the Pediatrician was able to get the little boy all fixed up. Not to mention told me it was a fabulous car first aid kit. Nothing like having your first aid kit endorsed by a Pediatrician... even if he is family.

My car first aid kit has often come in useful to other mothers at the park, but a funeral? Who would have thought?

Just goes to show you it helps to be prepared in every occasion.
Being the one prepared makes me feel like a Rock Star.

Here is the full post of making those car first aid kits.

1 comment:

  1. This is totally awesome. I wish I was even a little prepared for anything


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